Tips on Setting Family Goals

The new year 2024 is well on its way, which mean most persons would have made their new year’s resolutions. While it is customary to set personal goals, it is also recommended that families come together to set family goals. A family is more progressive when the members work towards common goals.  Setting family goals are beneficial to every member, especially young children who will learn valuable lessons; such as, decision making, problem-solving skills and self-discipline (Styles, 2015). If you have not yet made your family goals, it is not too late, below are some  guidelines to follow.

  • Reflect on the Year that has Ended

Create some time to reflect on the year that has ended. Families can reflect on their accomplishments and areas that need improvement.  Each family member must be given equal opportunity to share their opinions, especially the little ones. When children feel included in the decision-making process, they are more likely to corporate and have a positive experience (Styles, 2015).


  • Set Family Goals

Schedule a time for the whole family to sit down and brainstorm goals to be achieved as a family. Each member can suggest a goal, each goal should be respectfully discussed and decided on. Parents can assist children in setting family goals such learning a language, trying a new sport, drinking water every day or helping to prepare meals. When children participate in these activities, it helps with building their self-confidence and strengthen family bonds (Stillstork International School, 2023).

Source: www.

  • Create Routines that will Help to Achieve the Goals

Once the goals are decided on by the entire family, it is important to create an effective routine aimed at achieving the goals. This can be done by creating a schedule of activities and set timelines for achieving each goal. These goals may include setting a budget for a trip, reducing screen time to two hours per day for children, reading one book per week and hosting a family games night on the last Friday of each month. An organized system will keep family on track, especially children as research shows that routines support healthy social emotional development in children (Lantz, 2024). Families can also schedule a family meeting once per month to provide an update on achievements.


•           Make Family Goals Visible

The first step to making achievable family goals is to write them down and display them in an area that family members can see be reminded of them throughout the year.  Parents can also consider making a family vision board with children. This is a fun and exciting activity that will allow children to express their creativity. So, get the art supplies ready and follow the simple steps provided by clicking on the link below :