Tips to Cultivate a Love for Reading in Children

Reading with children is not only a fun bonding activity, but it also encourages extensive brain stimulation. Carol Anne St. George, EdD explains that reading with children increases their vocabulary, expands their understanding of the world and builds their sense of independence and confidence. Reading about things they love or even dislike builds a foundation of logic and problem solving skills, which often translates to better academic performance (Warner School of Education, 2019). To cultivate a love for reading in children at an early age it is recommended that adults:

Read with Children


An essential part of creating a good relationship between parent and child is spending quality time together. Reading to children is an excellent way to spend time with them and can start as early as infancy. Engaging an infant through reading should include the use of books with high contrast images, audio and/or touch and feel components, which will help to enhance the child’s visual and brain development (Nationwide Children’s Hospital, 2022). As they get older, reading together can become a routine where they are allowed to choose different books and practice their oral skills by reading aloud.

Allow Children to Re-create the Stories (Pretend Play)

Reading stories with relatable themes can encourage conversations about current life events (Sheldon-Dean, 2024). While reading, children may ask questions about the plot, setting and characters of the story, they may even share their expectations on the outcome of the story. Always encourage children to provide alternative endings and their opinions on the actions of the characters.  This activity would allow for development of their cognitive, decision-making capacity and socio-emotional development.

Source: http://www.PBS

Write Your Own Books


Another great way to improve cognitive and socio-emotional development is to allow children to create their own stories. Reading with children engages the imagination and creativity which facilitates the exploration of different people, places, time and events (Children’ Bureau, 2023). Widening a children’s imagination will also widen their interest in exploration. Encourage them to create their own fictional worlds, rules and people. It may be easier at first to allow them to recreate stories that were read, but over time their capacity for creation will increase and they will be able to create their own characters and story line.

Cultivating a love for reading begins from as early as conception; it is encouraged that expectant parents read to their fetuses’, as this solidifies early bonds between parents and child.  Reading together as a family is one of the best things you can do to help your child grow into a reader and a successful learner (Price, 2017). Let’s cultivate a love for reading!!!! Grab a few books and make reading a habit today, so it will be a part of your children’s future.

Recognising Our Parents as Everyday-Heroes

Welcome to October!

National Heroes Day is right around the corner! Are you excited?! On this day, Jamaicans will look back on the contributions of our national heroes. As we approach Heritage Week, we will take this opportunity to highlight our parents and guardians as everyday-heroes. A hero comes in many shapes and sizes, and sometimes being a hero, is simply giving from the heart and expecting nothing in return. Our parents and guardians give us so much every day and they do not expect anything in return, except, that “yuh guh school and study yuh book!” Parents are the most important influence in our lives and we want to salute them! Here are a few reasons why our parents are everyday-heroes:

They Inspire Us

Just like our national heroes, our parents inspire us to become successful adults. Parents inspire us every day, based on the choices they make, and it is safe to say that “children live what they learn”. Think back to when you were a child, have you ever looked at your mommy or daddy and thought, “when I grow up I want to be just like my mommy or daddy?” Yes. I think most of us had that moment. This thought came to us because of our admiration for the role they played in our lives, and they inspire us to become just as good as or better than them. 

They Provide Us with Support  

Parents also display their heroic ways by providing us with guidance and support. They do this by actively encouraging us to do our best in all that we do. They are also the ones to cheer us on (sometimes when no one else is cheering!). When we reach milestones, face difficulties or just need a boost, they are there waiting in the wings. We can always count on our parents to shower us with praises, boost our self-esteem and motivate us to be the best we can be.

They Make Sacrifices for Us

Parents go the extra mile to provide us with the best. From the moment we are conceived, our parents begin to adjustment their lives to ensure that they make our world better than the one they came into. We see how our parents continue to make sacrifices for us, whether it is them skipping lunch to buy us something we want or to pay for those extra lessons that they think we need.

It is the simple things that make our parents everyday-heroes and we appreciate them for it.

Tell us why your parents are everyday-heroes by leaving your comments below or on our social media pages.